Sunday, January 17, 2010

Catch Up

December 21, 2009
So, another awesome week in Spain. Honestly, I'll bet I see 10 miracles (that i recognize as miracles) a week. It's truly amazing. Cati is amazing, she loves the Gospel and she is already talking about wanting to go to the temple, that's good stuff.
Our other investigators are getting close, I would guess 3 more baptisms in the next month. We could have even more if we have another random one like Cati.
The Christmas conference was nice. We did a skit about trainers and greenies. I kinda pocked fun at Elder Harris and he was in the crowd, but I still wonder if he caught on. LOL

December 29, 2009
Well, I'm am glad to say that I am not going anywhere this transfer. To be honest, even if President did try to transfer me, he would have to fly out here himself and drag my butt on to the plane.
So, the rest of the weekend went well. We had the people who walked into the church asking about it at during church on Sunday. We taught a really strong lesson to them about the Restoration. He had some doubts when we asked him about baptism but I feel confident that he will come around. He is the type that really wants to know the truth and we all know if he searches for an answer he will find it.
Besides that, nothing too new to report. Elder Naseath and I set transfer goals this morning, lets just say I'd rather shoot for the moon and land among the stars then not leave the earth at all.

January 4, 2009
Well, I love p-days and don't love them at the same time because that's another week down and I'm never sure if I've done enough in that span of time. I don't think there has ever been a time in my life where time has gone by so fast, so I need you to pray for 30 hour days, can you do that? Thanks, your the best..

January 11, 2010
So, another good week down. Didn't really do too much as far as numbers go, but we are seeing tons of success with less actives (people who are members of the church but do not attend regularly). I think we will see some baptisms soon but never know. People and their agency, sometimes I wish they didn't have it because I know better than them. LOL but true.

Hey, question: Do ya'll have any ideas for Young Single Adult church activities? I'll bet you didn't know that if you are in a small branch, callings that aren't filled like activities commity fall on the missionaries and not people like the branch president. (Love Spain)

PICTURES!!! (Finally)

This week we received a package from Elder Roos which included two camera cards full of photos. Here are a few of our favorites.

At the Provo MTC with his friend Ty
With the other Elders in his class at the Provo Temple

All the Elders in the MTC who had matchiing ties.
All the missionaries in the Madrid MTC singing in the park.
The Madrid Post Office (not kidding).
In front of the Madrid Temple
The Madrid Temple

At the train station in Madrid Leaving for Barcelona

View of Barcelona from a castle overlooking the city.

With the Hinckleys and the others who arrived in the mission with him
View of Manacor from his apartment window
Members of the Branch (congregation) at the Branch Christmas Party.
With his companion, Elder Naseath
With Cati at her Baptism!

A view of Manacor
With members of the Branch at a Branch activity
A Cathedral in Manacor